Sunday, June 7, 2020

Black Lives Matter!!!

Yes, Black Lives Matter! 

Events of the last couple of weeks – to say nothing of the past several months – dictate a brief adjournment from my usual posts (back later this week).

With inspirations from many sources – yes, thank you Mark Greene, Maddie and others for your excellent and timely recent posts – I feel compelled to stop and reflect about what has been going on. This posts attempts to do that.

We are truly at an existential struggle for the soul of our nation. And though all potential leaders have their flaws, the current one – per Harry Potter “He Who Shall Not Be Named” – was NEVER ready to lead us and perhaps more importantly, to UNITE US. This was clear to me five years ago. At the time, it was – in my opinion  - simply a matter of time before a crisis – or series of crises – would be thrust at the Bunker Baby that would result in the loss of destruction of American Lives. 

We must all look inward and ask what we can do to overcome this struggle and end the racial oppression endemic in our society. As Martin Luther King, Jr. noted by addressing this issue in his letters from jail, the haters were not the core of the problem…it was those of us who know better but don’t act.

In trying to re-register voters disenfranchised by republican controlled state governments to prevent blacks and other minorities from voting – I am acting. But there is much more I know I can and need to do.

Black Lives Matter!!!


  1. Thank you Luke. It s great to have liked minded people to know and be friends with!!!!!! A poignant and timely post. The Time Magazine cover says it all. I have never seen the country in such turmoil, maybe even greater then 911, I dare say, which too was hellish.

    1. Thank you Luke for standing with US ALL. Not just for people of color but for what is right and against the injustice going on in America. Mistress, What can I say.....This is a time like I have never seen. all that has gone on and continues to go on. 911 even in it's horror, brought us closer and gave us a sense of coming together and even bring back pride in our country as we worked on supporting each other. But in the same breath targeted men and women who were Muslim and brown skin. And now with this....(that's been happening for centuries,) is showing the true colors of racist bigots. But it has also allowed us to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!" you are both very much appreciated.

    2. Thats exactly it Mark. That's why I think this is even worst. Your point of 911 was a strengthen moment, and then, the brown skinned and Muslims were left out, even thought they were born and lived here their whole life. It seems it takes one rotten person to give a bad name to the whole race, which is not right and must stop.

      I love and adore you my friend.

    3. Thank you both - Maddie and Mark - for your excellent comments and continual source of inspiration on all levels!!!!
      ...I do have more to say...but it grew late too soon...but many thanks for your contribution!!!

  2. a POTUS truly a source of shame for you USA people!

    1. Cher Xersex, it is a most humiliating frustration to see such a mean-spirited, hateful incompetent wracking havoc on both a domestic and international level to the hard-fought good accomplishments of those who preceded him...hopefully his grossly incompetent handling of the covid crises and what ensued with George Floyd will convince people voting in November that he and his ilk must be removed...that plus a lot of hard work to make sure it happens!!

    2. Corrupt and incapable politicians is a widespread problem. Currently in Italy we have a simply mediocre government and we seem to be flying. At least we are overcoming the pandemic. But ten years ago, we Italians too were ashamed of our politicians as you are now doing with your current POTUS.

  3. I agree, each one of us matters and we're all equal. ✌🏻
