Tuesday, October 28, 2014

so many hot ideas...so little time!

So many hot ideas floating around in my head…images from surfing the web…images from a walk under the freeway interchange! Ass and concrete…cactus and cock…legs and columns…what will I do with these images?...yeah...looking for that connection between what I am seeing around me when I go for a hike and sexy images that are running around inside....

Do a series of intense colors only!

No….I need to think of forms I’m experiencing…do black and white images!

Really need to take the time and develop these thoughts before posting….but when, especially as they all want to cum out at the same time in a burst of energy!



 oh....and don't forget to stop by QueerHeaven's blog for a cup of coffee and well wishes.....at guysunderwearlife.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Assier and assier.....

Keith...thanks for the title! Been actually busier and busier at work....missing blogging time...but fortunately easy to cruise my favorite blogs! And for todays offering....